Thursday, 1 September 2011

Its in the name!

I've have been looking at surf mats for a few months now and conveniently this one popped up on ebay. Its a 4th Gear Flyer Tracker Roundtail made by Paul Gross. This was an early Christmas present from my fiancee :-)

Had it out today in 2ft clean surf, definately a little wierd first, first couple of waves the mat folded under me throwing me off but soon started to get to grips with it...............and its loads of fun! Can't wait to get it out in something with a little more juice!


  1. I had seen that, unfortuantly i'm no longer coming down for the fry so won't be there. I hope to get to a mat meet at some point. Possible trip to Thurso early next week, looking forward to getting the mat out again!

  2. Got the mat out at a head high reef in Scotland this fast! Loved it, this is definately becoming my favourite toy!
